Friday, November 6, 2020

Poems Of Sue Zhu

Sue Zhu( 淑文), New Zealand-Chinese poet and painter.

She used to be TV presenter in China, now lives in Auckland. She is a member of the poetry institute of China, director of NZ Poem Art Association Incorporated, honorary director of the US-China Cultural Association, One of the founders of “All Souls Poetry” club, Editor for some Chinese poetry clubs inChina, USA and New Zealand. Her poems were published in Chinese main newspapers and magazines. Some of her poems were translated into English, French,Macedonia, Hindi languages and published.She is a multiaward winner in the Chinese national poetry competitions. 

1.  To My Daughter

  In one afternoon

I wrote a long letter and sent a gift to You, my daughter

who are far away from me and just turned 16 years old


The choice apples throughout the ages

with their origins marked out one by one


One is from the distant East Eden

And a golden apple burning in a wedding banquet

Still another one handed into the dwarf’s window by an old lady

There is one that once appeared in Socrates’ class

There is also an imaginary one set by Fromm’s goal that he was to try to jump up to reach

There is still another one discarded away by the careless Charlie,

just waking up Newton who was meditating

Besides there is one that once went across the Sahara Desert with a traveller

Another one is a token of love under the apple tree outside the fence in 1942

And there is still one more from the garden, which we have been cultivating together


Those apples have their own aromas

which can be made into a uniquely flavored jam

Accompanying you for your whole life

Have a good journey


2. Each snowflake is accompanied by a metaphor

 A small winter butterfly sleeping on my forehead,

I don't think this a dream that

the cicadas singing around the red cherry tree,

A cloud of white butterflies

Stopping and then gliding down.


It's an unexpected moment

an unexpected meeting with no reason.

For a long time, the idea of writing has been just raised up

Its silhouette merged into the light source in the distance,

Then quickly disappeared


Oh, a small white butterfly

that has a noble rich past life,

flying out of slender river in this life

Cross the sea, bring it's own mission.


For the sky

For the earth

Or just for one person

A big snow falls deeply in his heart.


3. Starlight

In the day

You are silent

as same as those lamps


But night time

you were lighted up by darkness

Just like me, withered

Complete the bloom


 4. The remembrance of snow 


A few snowflakes moved ahead towards JiangCheng* 

Gently touched down on the shore, Until end of the year 

They were kidnaped by the cruel cold wind 

Recruited frantically the soldiers 

And prepared horses to raid the city. 


Everything was targeted 

And no one was to escape 

Now each object is covered with pale-whiteness 

All faces, even doors and windows are masked 

The lockdowns have locked the towns 

Horror prevailed over plains and plateaus 

From the Yangtze to the farthest end of the globe 

Across the four oceans 

From one season to another, there is a dance of death. 


At the daytime snow seem soft and sporadic 

But at night it is as hard as an iron block 

I hear squeaking sounds of the branches and eaves being crushed 

I hear some noises of avalanches at the distance. 


Are they still those elegant elves?


Sobering at midnight, counting the Sheep, stars and days in silence 

Peaceful holy moonlight 

Shines on the white sheets and walls 

with unlimited mercy and grace 

People in sleepless plight struggle to pray 

Long for the sooner 

“The rooster crow louder at dawn… "* 


 (English Translator: Jimmy Wei ( New Zealand )



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